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How to demand goods

You can easily request products from us in this electronic product demand catalog.

Proceed as follows:

  • In the catalog for an easy search for goods, you can perform a full-text search in the specified categories or electronic list.
  • Now you are looking for the desired product, click on the "Ask" field in the product details.
  • Finally, the product is entered into the electronic demand list.
  • In the upper corner of the website is the "Your request" icon. Clicking on this will show you the contents of your demand list. In this section, you can change the desired quantity of goods and, if necessary, completely remove goods that you do not require from the demand list.
  • In the demand list, you will also enter your contact details (in the event that the delivery address does not match the billing address, please enter the delivery address in the notes (or the possibility of personal collection at our warehouse in the Czech Republic).
  • After checking the entered data, click on the "Submit an inquiry" field.
  • Please keep the demand number that appears after your submission. If it is necessary to adjust the demand on your part, it serves us to quickly identify it and shorten the reaction time to deal with your requests. 

Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Without filling in these form fields, the demand list cannot be sent.

Based on the sent demand list, we will prepare a draft of a written purchase contract for the requested goods. The following is sent to the e-mail address you provided:

  • Proposal written purchase contract
  • Advance invoice for the purchase price of the goods in question and the cost of transporting the goods
  • General terms and conditions and complaints procedure
  • Withdrawal from the contract (form) and instructions on the right to withdraw from the contract for consumers

The purchase contract is concluded the moment you send a scan of the purchase contract signed by yourself to e-mail: Please note that the draft purchase agreement is only valid for 7 calendar days.

More information on the General Terms and Conditions .

Other important information:

Goods labeled as Special Goods
These are custom-made/modified goods tailored to the customer's needs. To ensure an optimal match - for the selected special goods, the customer is required to fill in the VIN code of the vehicle (Vehicle Identification Number) for which the product will be manufactured/modified. The right to withdraw from the purchase contract does not apply to purchase contracts, the subject of which are special goods, in accordance with § 1837 letter d) of the Civil Code.

The goods you request here may have a different delivery time at the time of processing: for example, these are goods that are in stock or are regularly replenished to the warehouse and the delivery time is on the order of days. Goods that are manufactured/modified directly for the customer and the delivery time can be up to several months. Goods where we are waiting for its delivery from the manufacturer, etc.

In the demand list, you have the option of checking the box marked as: Do you wish to divide the goods into several shipments according to delivery times? This option can speed up the delivery or pick-up of the demand goods with a shorter delivery time. The cost of transporting goods is paid for each separate shipment of goods.


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